
New Horizons Probe Glimpses Pluto’s Dark Side

31 / agosto / 2015

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City Lab: World’s Largest Urban Simulator Spans 26 Square Miles

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Lights Out: Hong Kong Bans Iconic Neon Signs from City Streets

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‘Smart clothes’ for personalized cooling and heating

20 / julho / 2015

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Why have young people in Japan stopped having sex?

6 / julho / 2015

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Os vivos e os mortos depois da tragédia de março de 2011 no Japão

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In 1935, the father of psychoanalysis, Sigmund Freud, was contacted by a worried mother who was seeking treatment for her son’s apparent homosexuality. Freud, who believed that all humans are attracted to both sexes in some capacity, responded with the following letter of advice.

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Cidade do México será capital mundial do urbanismo em 2016

12 / junho / 2015

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“The scythe of progress must move northward”: Urban Renewal on the Upper West Side

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New 42,000 Sq Ft Rooftop Farm in NYC is One of World’s Largest

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“a vida é curta demais para ser pequena” – que clichê … adorei!

11 / junho / 2015

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Openly Transhumanist ‘Build A Bong’ 3D Printing Company Arrives

8 / junho / 2015

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