
Reprogramming DNA: Raymond Kurzweil on technological leaps without boundaries

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Shanghai Photos Taken 26 Years Apart Highlight City’s Staggering Growth

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Robot Programmed to Fall in Love with a Girl Goes too Far

9 / agosto / 2013

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A revolução será pós-televisionada – por Elizabeth Lorenzotti em 10/07/2013 na edição 754

16 / julho / 2013

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fragmento do seminário de MD Magno, GRANDE SER TÃO VEREDAS, sessão 9. PLEROMA (de 24/10/1985), p. 223-4

30 / junho / 2013

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Sigmund Freud Speaks: The Only Known Recording of His Voice, 1938

9 / abril / 2013

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The city is me at Istanbul Sehir Üniversitesi / Istanbul Data 12/11/12 hora: 3 pm

8 / fevereiro / 2013

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What will your next body be like? | KurzweilAI

2 / janeiro / 2013

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