
24 Drone-Created GIFs That Show You The World Like You’ve Never Seen It Before

11 / agosto / 2014

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Computational Linguistics of Twitter Reveals the Existence of Global Superdialects

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Urbanismo de partículas. O funcionamento das cidades pelas leis da Física

8 / agosto / 2014

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city visions – A season of films, talks and debates, exploring the ways in which cinema has engaged with the phenomenon of the modern city and the experience of urban life

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WarkaWater: torre que capta o vapor de água atmosférico e o torna próprio para consumo

29 / julho / 2014

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Sex Without Fear – a pill to prevent HIV infection

25 / julho / 2014

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It’s Been 10 Years: What’s Happened with A New Kind of Science?

7 / julho / 2014

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Rio de Janeiro, Sunday, 11 am – Winter. Can you imagine on summer?

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Evolution: The Architecture of Future Mankind – ver Derrick de Kerckhove

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Cientistas afirmam que nossa galáxia abriga um túnel do tempo, e não um buraco negro

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TED Talk 2014 | Ray Kurzweil: “Get ready for hybrid thinking”

16 / junho / 2014

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Response by Ray Kurzweil to the announcement of chatbot Eugene Goostman passing the Turing test

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LA VILLE C’EST MOI – video da editora L’harmattan, sobre o livro que foi lançado em francês em junho 2014

13 / junho / 2014

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